Trainings + Certifications
Teacher training (2001-2017)
(200hr) Aryoga Ashram, under Dr. Pramod Gautum, Kathmandu Nepal (2001)
(80hr) The Yoga Studio, under Chrissey Gregory, Kathmandu Nepal (2001)
(40hr) Yogi K Sharma, interviews and intensive study, Kathmandu Nepal (2001)
YogaFit Teacher Certification Training, (2003)
(200hr) CorePower Yoga Hot Power Fusion Teacher Training (2017)
Teaching Experience (2001-Current)
In home teaching to locals in Nepal - 100 volunteer hours (2001)
CU Housing Association, University of Colorado (2002)
*awarded best program offered to CU students (2002)
CU Football Team, weekly class, (2002)
In Home Yoga, NYC -- private lessons to various groups. 20-30 clients (2003)
New York Sports Club, weekly class (2003-2004)
Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) -- after school yoga for teachers at Platt Middle School (2003-2009)
CU Boulder Recreation Center (2017-current)
Private lessons (2017-current)
Practicing Vajrayana Buddhist since 2001, under Chhoje Rinpoche, Padmasabhava Meditation Center (PMC)
Guided meditation in inner city schools in NYC (2003)
Boulder Psychic Institute (BPI),
101: Self Healing
102: Healing Others
103: Manifesting
Neuro Lingustic Programming (NLP)
Wholeness Work with Connirae Andreas (2020)
She Glows Retreats (2016-Current)
Yoga Teacher (2001-Current)
Empower + Reconnect Series - Google, Prana, Pact, CW Hemp and more (2019)
Middle/High School Teacher, NYC & Boulder (2003-2010)
Track Coach (2005-2009)
Platt Middle School Team Leader (2008-2010)
Where There Be Dragons, Sikkim, India 2007
Tony Robbins (Unleash the Power Within, Date with Destiny, Life + Wealth Mastery)
Oprah Soul Sessions (2015-2018)
Wholeness Work - Connirae Andreas
Ngondro Practice (2005-2011)
BA English and Educational Psychology, University of CO, Boulder + Colorado College (2003)
Minor Asian Studies
Secondary Teaching License, NY State and CO (2003)