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Reflections on Leaving

Writer's picture: Brie DoyleBrie Doyle

Dear friend,

Well, it's our final few weeks enjoying this beautiful space we've called home for the past year. It's hard to believe a year has flown by so quickly. It's hard to believe we'll be moving out of this incredible home in just under a month.

For this week's blog, I'd like to share a few of the lessons I've learned about taking this year away with my family.

  1. The best decisions involve risk -- We came very close to not taking this year away because of fear. I remember being in Costa Rica, shortly after we told our kids we'd be moving to Montana, and walking the beach with my husband in a panic. The kids were devastated about coming, and leaving their comfort zones. Had we made the wrong decision? We feared. Of course sitting at this vantage point, we wouldn't trade this experience for the world. It's been one of the most important experiences our family has ever had. Everyone feels scared sometimes. To live our biggest lives, we have to get comfortable with risk.

  2. Step towards what scares you -- On the other side of fear is the lesson. But you can't get it unless you step towards it. If something feels scary, there is something more there for you. Move closer.

  3. Land holds messages humans do not -- For me, being on land regulates my nervous system in a way few other experiences do. Whether it's a hike or a beautiful living space, being in nature is more medicinal than pills, and wiser than a board of directors. If you're feeling down and out, seek land and space. If you're needing inspiration, get outside and listen.

  4. Magic is shared between humans and animals -- Living in Boulder, I felt overwhelmed when we got our dog. One more thing to take care of. Sigh. But since living here and not being so overwhelmed by constant community, I've sought solace in the quiet comfort of animals. From our hilarious chickens, watching our sweet bun buns hop all over the land, to laying in the grass with our dog, I feel a renewed sense of love for animals that I held prior to having children. Watching our kids develop deeper relationships with animals has been one of the great gifts of being here.

  5. Love is everywhere, if you project it, you'll find it -- Almost immediately upon moving here, we were welcomed by loving people. We met families who included our kids, I met hilarious and kind women who brought me into their circles, we've been on more date nights with couples in the past year than we had the previous 5 years, and have felt truly held by this community in Bozeman. The right community is all around us. If you haven't found your right fit, keep looking. Though they may not be right in front of you, they're out there. Project it, you will find it.

  6. Don't wait -- The time will never feel right to make the move, take the trip, pop the question, have another child, say I love you, end the relationship, write the book, start the new career. Whatever it is your heart secretly hopes for, start it now. We are all marching toward death. You will never feel completely ready. Step in anyway.

  7. Family closeness -- Leaving our comfort zone has allowed my family to truly depend on each other. When we may have been back home spending every last moment with friends or family, we were here, just the five of us. When times were hard, when my son broke his finger, when we felt alone, or bored, or not sure where to go, and what to do, we had each other. Weekends were spent hanging out on the land, playing with animals and listening to music. Or skiing, taking road trips, inviting new friends over, or trying new restaurants together. We all fall into patterns in our lives. Interrupting our patterns (like being somewhere new) gives us new information about ourselves. For us, it's allowed our family to be closer than ever before. Because I know my time with children at home is limited, this means everything to me.

I thank you for being here with me along the way. Thank you for continued support and readership.

If you've been with me for a while, you know I take summers off from blogging to regroup and to prioritize my family. My kids are home full-time, so my mom role becomes front and center. I'll look forward to getting back to blogging with you again come the fall. Thank you for staying with me and showing your support for feminine values in the professional world by supporting my pause.

  • Until then, you can find me writing on Instagram this summer HERE.

  • And as always, I'll be booking retreats year 'round. DREAM is next up and there are just 2 rooms left. More HERE.

  • Finally, Soul Sessions will continue, on a limited schedule, throughout the summer. You can read more about them and book yours HERE.

Wishing you a summer of abundance, joy, and ease. I'll look forward to digging back in with you again come fall.

To your wholeness,


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