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Book Rec's for the Evolved Man

Writer's picture: Brie DoyleBrie Doyle

Dear One,

A friend of mine reached out last week with a book request for her brother-in-law.  He's been working too much, stressing himself out, and his marriage is strained as a result.

I sent her a list that I want to share with you this week, too.  I find that so often, women spend our lives committed to working on ourselves -- reading everything we can find, attending conferences and more.

But for men, this isn't always the case.  Whether it's time constraint, or lack of initial interest, not all men are eager to get after inner work.

But in my one-on-one work, I sense this to be shifting.  It excites me greatly.

Brie Doyle - Men's Retreats
  • The Alchemist by Paul Coelho-- a classic, but has a beautiful way of bringing anyone right back to the heart of what's important.  If he'd in his head too much, this is a great one to pull him out of it.

  • The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer -- Michael Singer is a freaking wizard and his book The Unteathered Soul (just incredible) is one of the most important books of my life.  The Surrender Experiment is an autobiographical account of how he went from spiritual wanderer to running a multi million computer company just by relaxing into what was in front of him -- not grinding so hard, essentially.

  • The Masks of Masculinity by Lewis Howe -- Lewis Howe had some horrible things happen to him as a kid, and this book unpacks how we all try to cover up our pains and put on a show.  But the truth brings us more power.  His podcast -- The School of Greatness -- is fantastic.  He really resonates with men.

  • The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida -- Explores the most important issues in men's lives - from career, to family, women, sex and more.  Deida is BRILLIANT and offers so much, particularly in the relationship realm.

  • The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield -- I find Kornfield to be so level-headed and brilliant.  He offers wisdom in such a gentle way.

  • Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav -- Another life changing book when I first read it.  He was a womanizer and Vietnam soldier turned spiritual sage who makes so much sense of life in this book -- puts it all into perspective.  Now, happily married and teaches around the world.  I'd recommend listening to this book.

  • The Art of Stillness by Ryan Holiday -- Bite sized chapters that remind you of what's important in a research and historical based way.  I read EVERYTHING Ryan Holiday puts out.  All his work is based on the philosophy of Stoicism.

  • Eckhart Tolle (either book) -- A true living legend.  NEVER a bad time to read anything by him and always a reminder of what matters and who we really are.  Very dense, however.

There you have it.  These books are incredible for women, too.  But if you are a man, or have a partner, son, brother or friend that could use a good one, these are tried and true!

Here's to supporting ALL of us to thrive.




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