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Wellness Within

Brie Doyle
Sep 25, 2019
How you're castrating your man..
Ladies, I went to a women's conference recently, and we got on the topic of Mansplaining. Mansplaining is to comment on or explain...

Brie Doyle
Sep 11, 2019
3 Mistakes Women Make with Men (and Boys!)
I adore men and boys and have spent my life surrounded by brothers, male friendships, my dad, husband, classrooms full of boys, and...

Brie Doyle
Sep 4, 2019
3 Reasons Why MOMS Need Retreats
Soul Sister, Often times, we mothers tell ourselves that the reason we can't escape for a night, a weekend or a week-long retreat is...

Brie Doyle
Jul 3, 2019
Bust Relationship Ruts
Today is Luke and my 14 year wedding anniversary. For us, it's a special day in our history. We were married in Lyons, Colorado, and...
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